ICON7 Launch Meeting

In July, MRC Clinical trials unit’s ICON7 team held it’s Launch Meeting at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS, Russell Square in London. Some 100 investigators, research nurses, trial coordinators and representatives from ROCHE and Patient group –Ovacome attended the 1 day event. The launch meeting featured a number of excellent speakers; Prof Max Parmar (Head of Cancer Division, MRC CTU), Dr Tim Perren (ICON7 Chief Investigator), Dr Fiona Collinson (ICON7 Trial Physician), Andrew Mazur and Sarah Beall (MRC CTU ICON7 team), Prof Gordon Jayson (ICON7 Translational Research subgroup Lead) and Dr Dan Stark (ICON7 QoL subgroup Lead). Electronic copies of the slides are available on the members area of our website.

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